Child Find

Link to PDF of Child Find Flyer for 2023-2024 school year.
Whether or not children are enrolled in public school, the local school district is responsible to locate, evaluate and identify children with a suspected disability who may need special education and related services, regardless of the severity of the disability. The Pullman School District is responsible for children ages 5-21 who are enrolled in a district school, homeschooled children who reside in the district, students who attend a private school located in the district (even if they reside in another district), and students living in a temporary situation within the district boundaries. 


Pullman School District offers screening for district students, ages birth to 21, who may have a disability. The screening is completed by a team of professionals depending upon the needs of the student. If you have a concern about a student, please contact Paula Bates at the Pullman School District Instructional Programs Office, (509) 332-3144 or by email at

[email protected]