Career and Technical Education (CTE) advisory committees advise, assist and provide support and advocacy for quality CTE programs. Advisory committee volunteers have the opportunity to learn more about the CTE program, and the instructors
are able to increase their understanding of the job market, employers' needs and community opportunities.
CTE Advisory Committees:
- Provide information to update, modify, expand, and improve the quality of programs.
- Support and strengthen the partnerships between business, labor, the community, and education.
- Make recommendations that will strengthen and expand the CTE curriculum, and provide assistance in implementing these recommendations.
- Identify and validate academic and occupational competencies, determining priorities, and review and evaluate programs.
- Communicate long-term goals and objectives of the CTE programs to students, parents, employers, and the community.
What is the time commitment and expectation of a CTE Advisory Committee Volunteer?
- General advisory committees meet 3–4 times per year for 1–2 hours each time during the school year.
- Program specific advisory committees may be combined with the general advisory meetings or may be held at another time.
- Meetings for both general and program-specific advisories are often in the late afternoon or evening; after school and when many business people are available.
If you are interested in volunteering for a PHS CTE program advisory committee, please contact the CTE Director, Jill Bickelhaupt at [email protected] or CTE Program Secretary, Amber Deeds at [email protected]
A general advisory council (GAC) provides direction and guidance to administrators and teachers for the entire Career and Technical Education program offered by a district. This type of advisory group is usually formed at the secondary level to serve skills centers and high schools. Each individual program committee elects a chair that will represent their program at the general advisory council meetings.
2023-2024 PHS Advisory Committee Chairs
- General Advisory Chair - Molly Schotzko
- Agriculture - Kurt Druffel
- Business and Marketing - Cotton Sears
- Family and Consumer Sciences - Miranda Stenbakken
- Manufacturing - Tyler Kuhl
- Media and Production -
- STEM - John Casselman