2023-2024 Budget

Dear Pullman Public School Families,

Our district spends considerable time organizing and reviewing our budget each summer to ensure that we are well prepared, financially, to support your students in the upcoming school year. With a new requirement from the Office of the Superintendent of Instruction (OSPI) to prepare a 4-year budget projection, we have a clearer outlook of our district’s financial future.

Our schools are funded through state and federal dollars, grants, and local voter-approved levy dollars. The district also collects an additional $5.3 million every year through our local enrichmenteducation levy funding. These funds support educator salaries and programs students need and parents expect. We are so thankful to have a fiscally responsible administration and board. Pullman Public Schools is committed to ensuring our students have the access and opportunities they need to succeed. This includes balancing paying our educators a fair and competitive wage with providing the programming our students and families need and expect.

Our pledge to you:

  • We will continue to advocate for our students, educators, staff and families.
  • We will continue to work with lawmakers to allow us to collect the local levy dollars we need to operate.
  • We will continue to use responsible financial planning to prepare for the upcoming shortfall.
  • We will continue to ask our community to consider replacement operations levies when they expire.

If you have any questions about our budget, funding, or would like a budget presentation for your school community please contact Diane Hodge, Finance Director, at [email protected].

Pullman Public Schools