Pullman PD School Safety Response

NEWS RELEASE - Pullman PD School Safety Response
Posted on 05/27/2022

May 27, 2022
Gary Jenkins, Chief of Police
Pullman Police Department
(509) 334-0802

Pullman PD School Safety Response

PULLMAN – On Tuesday, May 24, 2022, an 18-year old male subject entered Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas and opened fire on a fourth-grade classroom. Nineteen children and two teachers perished in the devastating attack, leaving people around the nation concerned about the safety of their own schools and communities.

The Pullman Police Department is dedicated to ongoing and proactive training in preparation for a mass casualty event; preparation that we hope to never need. Should the time ever come, officers are prepared to respond and take immediate action to neutralize any threat to public safety.

Pullman PD works in partnership with the Pullman School District to conduct ongoing review of emergency plans, constantly looking for ways to improve the safety of students and staff. Additional reviews are conducted following mass casualty events that occur in other communities, including this week’s shooting in Uvalde, with Pullman PD and the Pullman School District working collaboratively to ensure that existing safety, prevention, and response plans would have been effective if the event had taken place in Pullman.

While we work hard to keep every member of our community safe, we recognize that it only takes one person, one act, one moment to change everything. Pullman PD will never stop working to improve the safety of our community, its people, its schools, and our children. The Pullman School District shares this unwavering commitment and dedication to providing a safe learning environment for children and staff.

Gary Jenkins
Pullman Police Chief

Bob Maxwell
Pullman Public Schools Superintendent