Diplomas/Transcripts Withheld

Diplomas/Transcripts Withheld by Reason of Outstanding Fines/Fees

With passage of HB 1176 (2021), RCW 28A.635.060 was amended to prohibit school districts from withholding a student’s grades or transcripts in response to the student damaging or losing school property, or property belonging to a school contractor, employee, or another student.

Fines or damage charges may be levied for lost textbooks, library books or equipment. In the event the student does not make proper restitution, the student’s diploma may be withheld. If a student is unable to pay the fine or charge, the student may make restitution through community service. 

A school district may continue to decide to withhold a student’s diploma in response to failure to pay a fine or charge related to the student damaging or losing property. When the district withholds students’ diplomas for failure to pay a fine or charge related to lost or damaged school property, the district must publish and maintain the following information on its website: 

Graduating Class Total # Diplomas/Transcripts Withheld # of Those Students Who Were Eligible For Free/Reduced Price Meals During Their Last Two Years Of Enrollment In The District

 Class of   2021

1 0

 Class of   2022

3  2
Class of 2023
7 2

Updated as of: 2.5.2024

Per board procedure 3520P Student Fees, Fines, and Charges