Career & Technical Student Organizations

Career and technical student organizations are much more than clubs. They provide opportunities for hands-on learning, and for applying career, leadership and personal skills in real-world environments. Participants build their skills by developing projects, attending events, and competing regionally and nationally. These organizations are specifically designed to increase the confidence and leadership potential of members. Depending on your school's Career and Technical Education courses, you might have some or all of Washington's student leadership organizations available to you.

Join a student organization to:

  • Learn more about careers, and about post-high school education and training options
  • Develop leadership skills that will prepare you for college and career
  • Test your skills at state or national competitions

Pullman High school offers many of Washington's student leadership organizations.

Washington DECA

WA DECA logo and state of Washington (image) DECA Group Pic

PHS DECA Advisor: Melissa Mayer

In DECA you can connect to the world of marketing and business outside the classroom. DECA members are teamed with business professionals for job shadowing and mentoring programs to give you an enormous head start on your career.
Run your school store, work on marketing project teams, and become involved in civic activities that make a difference in your community.

Washington FFA

FFA Logo                 FFA Picture

PHS FFA Advisor: Rob Matthews

FFA provides challenging coursework and hands-on experiences in agriculture education classes ranging from Animal Science and Principles of Technology to Floriculture and Greenhouse Management.

After 75 years, the Washington FFA Association and its partners have continued to support leadership programs and career development events that encourage members to become lifelong learners who are prepared, committed and hardworking.


FCCLA Logo       FCCLA Picture

PHS FCCLA Advisor: Jill Bickelhaupt and Altaira Bogle

Travel with friends to events and competitions; practice and test your skills in local, state and national competition; and learn how to lead. These are the benefits to the students served by FCCLA. Their career interests are in education, food, hospitality, interior decorating, and textiles (sewing, fashion).

FCCLA focuses on the roles of family member, wage earner and community leader. Members develop skills for life including:

  • Character development
  • Creative and critical thinking
  • Interpersonal communication

skills usa washington                         

SkillsUSA Logo                          Welding Picture                            Media Picture

PHS Skills USA VICA Advisor:  Tanner Ferry
PHS Skills USA Visual Communications Advisor: Doug Winchell

SkillsUSA is a national organization for students exploring trade, industrial, technical health and service-related careers. Areas of competition include architectural drafting, construction, carpentry computer programming, web design and nurse assisting.

This organization promotes superior work skills, life-long education, leadership, teamwork, citizenship and community service among its student members. It also strives to build and reinforce self-confidence, work ethic and communication skills.