Boundaries & Buildings

Each student in the district is required to attend the school designated for the geographic attendance area in which they reside. Since Pullman Public Schools only operates one high school and one middle school, this only applies to elementary students at this time. 
Please note that the district may require students or their parents to provide proof of residency within the district, such as copies of phone and water bills or lease agreements.
All of our district facilities and properties are located in Whitman County. For specific locations, please refer to our Elementary School Boundaries map.
image of Franklin Elementary building      
Franklin Elementary School
850 SE Klemgard Street
Pullman, WA 99163
Phone: 509-334-5641
Fax: 509-332-0864
Image of Jefferson Elementary building      
Jefferson Elementary School
1150 NW Bryant Street
Pullman, WA 99163
Phone: 509-332-2617
Fax: 509-332-0680
Image of Kamiak Elementary building      
Kamiak Elementary School
1400 NW Terre View Drive
Pullman, WA 99163
Phone: 509-336-7205
Fax: 509-336-7206
image of Sunnyside Elementary building
Sunnyside Elementary School
425 SW Shirley Street
Pullman, WA 99163
Phone: 509-334-1800
Fax: 509-332-0329
image of Lincoln Middle School building      
Lincoln Middle School
315 SE Crestview Street
Pullman, WA 99163
Phone: 509-334-3411
Fax: 509-336-7203
image of Pullman High School building
Pullman High School
510 NW Greyhound Way
Pullman, WA 99163
Phone: 509-332-1551
Fax: 509-332-6868
image of PSD facilities building      
Facilities Building
130 NW State Street
Pullman, WA 99163
Phone: 509-334-5586
image of Whitman County Transportation Co-Op
Whitman County Transportation Co-Op
170 NW Albion Drive
Pullman, WA 99163
Phone: 509-334-3911
image of the district office building
District Office
Pioneer Center
240 SE Dexter Street
Pullman, WA 99163
Phone: (509) 332-3581
Fax: (509) 336-7202